Monday, July 22, 2013

"¡Feliz cumpleaños!"

Today I celebrated another birthday.  I don't regret another one came around, especially after the day full of greetings. 

After lunch today I am at Steven's house and Caden says "Happy Birthday Grandma, we're taking you to supper and it's Mexican"  I said "OK, I accept".  Far be it for me to argue with a "man" who has his mind made up, no matter the age:) 

So I met them at the Mexican restaurant in Phillipsburg and Caden says " Grandma we told them it's your birthday." No big deal to me and we have a nice meal with conversation about their vacation they just returned from with Chalina's family. 

I said to Caden "have you ever tried their chocolate chimichanga's?"  He said "no", so we ordered two.  Not long after that, a sombrero was being put on my head, fried ice cream dessert was set on the table in front of me and Happy Birthday in Spanish (see the post title) was being sung to me by the staff.  Complete with instrumental accompaniment from spoon and pan.  Not only was I tickled for this special treatment, but you should of seen the faces on all grandchildren while they were singing.  

Caden says "Grandma, how old are you?"  I replied "54".  He then says "How old is Papa Lyle?"  I said "60".  His next reply "wow he's super passing you."   Did I come home and tell this to Lyle? Absolutely:)  Love those minds and mouths of babes!!!

We enjoyed all three desserts to the last spoonful and I drove home with the jolliest of hearts!
Birthday card from Ryleigh

Happy Birthday Grandma Shelia!

Jack helping himself to cool whip, ice cream and chocolate!

My young dates

Ryleigh enjoys her share of the sweets. 

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